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Catalina Troncosco Rojas Profile 2023

Catalina Troncosco Rojas




London School of Economics
London, United Kingdom
Executive Global Master’s in Management, Class of 2023


Director of Finance
wherEX, Santiago, Chile

“Hinrich Foundation has given me the opportunity to become a worldwide leader, connecting Latin America with Asia to keep on transforming the B2B transactions into a more global, sustainable and equitable manner.”

Scholar background

Catalina is a financial planning expert currently working for wherEX, a tech startup specializing in B2B transactions across Chile, Mexico and Peru. She joined the company in 2018 as the Head of Finance and Planning and was responsible for overseeing the Administration, Finance Planning and Analytics teams, and managing metrics and strategies for raising capital and improving operations. Catalina was later promoted to the role of Director of Finance.

Previously, she worked as a Budget Management Engineer for the Chilean Ministry of Education. Alongside her professional experience, Catalina is also a founder of Panal Consulting and Analytics, which provides planning and strategic development for various Chilean educational institutions.

Catalina holds a Bachelor's degree in Industrial Engineering from the University of Chile. She is now pursuing the Executive Global Master’s in Management at the London School of Economics with the support of a Hinrich Global Trade Leader Scholarship.

Personal statement

Globalization is a tremendous opportunity to reach full development for all countries and citizens of the world. However, many companies have not been taking the correct approach, being careless about negatives externalities they cause, so vulnerable people and the environment are paying all the costs. Governmental efforts are not going to be fast enough or good enough to stop this, so the private sector has to act now, transforming sustainable business, but we need more specialists and professionals involved in this new scenario.

The LSE program has a social approach of management, with foundations in psychology, sociology, and political science. This master’s program will give me extraordinary tools and in connection with my background as an engineer, and my experience in wherEX, Chilean tech-startup, I will be able to keep on transforming B2B transactions for a more competitive and transparent manner, not just in Chile or Latin-America, but all over the world.

I expect to become a key opinion leader in global trade, and how to connect private with public sector to make business that have a broad and deep impact in society. We must make companies that are the best for the world, not just to for profit, but also, to take care of equity in society and the impact in the environment.

A scholarship is always helpful, because of the financial support, but Hinrich Foundation goes beyond and has given me the opportunity to access its global network of academics and experts, and creates links from Chile to Asia. Getting to know both ends and understanding we are one ocean apart can make all the differences on how we make from this world a better place for all.