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Partner with us to advance sustainable global trade

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The Hinrich Foundation has developed many rewarding partnerships with respected corporations and institutions.

The choices we make in trade today will shape our world for years to come. We invite you to explore the many ways you can partner with us to build understanding and leadership in global trade

As an employer engaged in international trade, partner with us for talent development

We work with employers to identify the skills and talent development opportunities needed for executives to master the increasingly complex global trade environment.

Learn how we can work together by contacting us.

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Trade research support

The Hinrich Foundation partners with academics and thought leaders to support trade research that advances the understanding of global trade issues and policy development.

Download application guidelines.

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Trade experts, become research partners

We partner with like-minded organizations or support external research initiatives consistent with our theme, to deliver a greater impact. We seek knowledge that leads to action. Individuals and organizations are invited to learn more about the research we have supported and discuss partnerships opportunities with us.

Explore our research

Event partnerships

Global trade flourishes with openness and understanding. The Hinrich Foundation organizes, hosts and supports various events that offer professionals across the global value chain the opportunity to deepen their knowledge and engage in dialogue. As a partner, speaker or participant, we welcome you to join us in a future event.

Contact us to invite one of our experts to speak at an event.

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