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A community of leaders

Hinrich Foundation Alumni Association

We established the Hinrich Foundation Alumni Association (HFAA) to stimulate regular exchanges between young trade leaders committed to advancing sustainable global trade. Led by the Alumni Leadership Committee, the HFAA is a community of people who are passionate about trade, and benefit from and contribute to the Foundation’s programs.

Learn more about our alumni community by contacting our Alumni Relations Manager, Berlinda Gooi at

About Pic4
“For me, meeting our scholars and seeing what they are doing with their lives is very gratifying. I enjoy supporting them in any way I can on their lifelong journey.”
Merle A. Hinrich for the Hong Kong Tatler

Lifelong learning & global networking

The Hinrich Foundation Alumni Association (HFAA) provides lifelong learning and networking opportunities to our growing community of Global Trade Leader alumni. Networking and professional development activities are regularly organized by alumni Country Chapters and the Foundation team.

We strengthen connections among our international alumni through our HFAA Connect newsletter. Every month, our alumni receive updates about training, careers, gatherings, new scholarships, special offers and global trade trends.