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Harnessing opportunities: Catalyzing growth in the data-driven economy

Published 22 March 2022

The digital economy holds enormous promise for sustainable growth. However, fostering innovation requires regulations that are fit for purpose. In this Hinrich Foundation webinar, three experts examined the criticality of cross-border data flows for reaping the full benefits of digital trade.

Watch the full discussion here:

The emergence of agreements focused on digital trade reflects a global economy that is increasingly digital – and powered by data. The opportunities ahead – particularly for small businesses – may be limited, however, by the growing number of new regulations on data flows across the Asia Pacific region.

Our webinar examined the opportunities presented by cross-border data flows, and the challenges they face. Can mega trade agreements such as the CPTPP ease the challenges? Will such agreements evolve to reflect the changing dynamics? What is the impact on businesses, particularly the small businesses that drive the regional economy?

This virtual forum convened a panel of three experts, including Ambassador Kurt Tong, Partner, The Asia Group; Michaela Browning, Vice President for Government Affairs and Public Policy, Google Asia Pacific; and Thomas Abell, Chief and Advisor, Digital Technology for Development Unit, Asian Development Bank.

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