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Celebrating our 10th Anniversary

Published 26 July 2022

The Hinrich Foundation marks its first decade of research and education programs for advancing sustainable global trade with an encouraging report card of achievements.

To date, the foundation has granted 260 university scholarships to scholars passionate about global trade. Through its trade research, it has engaged with over 2 million global readers including policymakers, business leaders, journalists, researchers, and students.

Key achievements accomplished by the Hinrich Foundation’s first 10 years include:

Kathryn Dioth, CEO of the Foundation shared that its success was made possible with the support of its growing expert research and contributor network, the involvement of trade leaders and Hinrich Foundation alumni around the world, as well as through its partners across events, media, academia, think tanks, trade institutions and business corporations.

Merle A. Hinrich, Founder and Chairman of the Hinrich Foundation said, “Global trade is changing. With our global reach, we are pleased to participate and contribute to advancing sustainable global trade.”

Learn more about Hinrich Foundation’s commitment to its vision in this anniversary highlights video:

The Hinrich Foundation welcomed key associates, partners and alumni to its new office in Singapore as part of the anniversary celebrations in July, providing a valuable networking opportunity with its expanded team of professional staff.