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Yap Chuin Wei

Chuin Wei Yap

Program Director, International Trade Research, Hinrich Foundation

As the program director for international trade research, Mr. Yap leads the Foundation’s development of original research content.

Offering analysis and insights across the diverse domains of global trade, Mr. Yap spearheads the Foundation’s mission through a research program of commissioned research and commentary, strategic partnerships and projects. Mr. Yap has had a distinguished journalism career in the United States and Asia specializing in trade and economic issues. Notably, his experience spans more than a decade in mainland China and Hong Kong with the Wall Street Journal. He began his career in Singapore's defense, trade, and finance ministries, and most recently worked at the asset manager Fidelity International prior to joining the Hinrich Foundation.

Mr. Yap holds degrees in history from Oxford University and international affairs from Columbia University.